Software Projects for B.Tech./M.Tech./MSc/BSc

By | August 10, 2014

Software Projects for B.Tech./M.Tech./MSc/BSc:

C / C++ Projects:

  1. Employee Record System
  2. Library Management System
  3. Calendar Application
  4. Tank Game
  5. Database Management System
  6. Travelling Agency System
  7. Medical Store Management System
  8. School Billing System
  9. Bank Management System
  10. Department Store Management System
  11. Snake Game
  12. Personal Diary Management System
  13. Contact Management System
  14. Tic-Tac-Toe Game
  15. Cyber Management System
  16. Telecom Billing System
  17. Quiz Game
  18. Phonebook Application
  19. Student Record System
  20. Employee Record System
  21. Hospital Management System
  22. Modern Periodic Table
  23. Snakes and Ladders Game
  24. Typing Tutor
  25. Pacman Game
  26. Hangman Game
  27. Cricket Score


JAVA Projects (Java/ J2EE/ J2ME/ JSP/ Servlets) :

  1. Speech comparison using neural networks
  2. Corporate Recruitment System
  3. ICS (Inventory Control System)
  4. Online Ticket Reservation System(JSP/SQL)
  5. Voice/ Speech based Browser
  6. Home Automation System with Speech Recognition Java / Hardware
  7. Total Business Solution Java / SQL
  8. Membership Management using Java Card Java / Java Card reader
  9. Online Ticket Reservation System JSP / SQL
  10. Voice/ Speech based Browser Java
  11. Smart Encryption (Image/ audio / video) Java
  12. Online Examination Sysetm jsp / Servlet / J2ME
  13. Multi Player Tetris game wih AI Java / AI
  14. Bomber Man with AI Java / AI
  15. Minesweeper game for Mobile with AI J2me / Java
  16. Remote Desktop Java
  17. Download Manager (ftp) Java
  18. Mobile Banking J2me / Servlet
  19. Multicast Server Chat Java
  20. Mobile Screen Info Generator JSP / Servlet
  21. Dairy Management System Java
  22. Terminal Controller Java
  23. Tour & Travel Management application
  24. Java Media Player
  25. Portfolio Management Java / JSP / SQLJava-37 Network Monitoring Java
  26. Mobile Info Centre J2me / JSP
  27. Online Equity Management J2me / JSP
  28. Packet reordering in transmission control protocol Java
  29. Efficient query processing in peer-to peer networks Java
  30. A grid-powered framework for distributed programming Java
  31. Noise reduction by image filtering Java
  32. Handwritten script recognition Java
  33. Messaging service over TCP/ IP in local area network Java
  34. Retrieving files using content based search Java
  35. Resource management system (RMS) Java / SQL
  36. E-auction bidding and winning JSP / SQL
  37. Online examination system JSP / Servlet / SQL
  38. Global job portal management JSP / Servlet / SQL
  39. On-line mobile voting J2me / Servlet / SQL
  40. Xml enabled cross data migration Java
  41. Mobile to PC communication J2ME
  42. Mobile Messenger for Ad-Hoc Networks J2ME
  43. Character Recognition System Java
  44. Intrusion Detection System / Firewall Java
  45. Desktop Payroll Application Java / SQL
  46. Windows Desktop Search Java
  47. Securing TCP/IP communication using cryptography Java
  48. Implementation of Digital image processing techniques Java
  49. Timetable generator application
  50. Packet Sniffer Project in Java
  51. Java Currency Converter Project Code
  52. Data Visualization Software .
  53. Task Management System Project in Java
  54. RSS Reader Project in Java
  55.  E Gas Sewa Project
  56. Course Management System Project .
  57. Registration Form in Java
  58. Java Program to Calculating Area and Perimeter of Square
  59. Stop Global Warming in Java
  60. Visualization of Data Structures in Java
  61. College Management Information System Java Project
  62. Farmers Buddy Project in Java
  63. Online Website Project on Urban Self Employment
  64. Online Attendance Management System Project
  65. Online Quiz System Project
  66. Offline Browser Project
  67. Patient and Doctor Interaction System Project
  68. Photo Lab Management System Project
  69. Advanced Hospital Management System Project
  70. Online Project Management System Project
  71. Enterprise Collaboration Tool Project
  72. Online Survey Tool Project projects:

  1. Online Mobile Recharge
  2. AMS – Assignment Management System
  3. University Management System a .Net Project
  4. Online IT Service Help Desk Project
  5. Resource Reservation System
  6. Asp.Net MSI Spy – Microsoft Installer
  7. Content Management System – Mobile CMS System
  8. Bank Account Management System Console based Application
  9. Content Management System Software
  10. Asp.Net Task Management System Application .
  11. TimeSheet Management System .
  12. City Bus Management System
  13.  Appointment Scheduler
  14.  ATM Banking System Project
  15. Live Document and Rich Text Editor
  16. Health Care Project
  17.  University Admission System Project
  18.  Newspaper Advertising Management System
  19.  Civil Registration System Project
  20.  Cargo Management System Project
  21.  Life Insurance Management System
  22.  Health Care Product Project
  23. Biased Random Walks in Uniform Wireless Networks
  24. Air Force Security Using Thumb Checker
  25. Cab Management System
  26. Student Academic Management System
  27. Job Portal Website Project
  28. Asian Packers and Movers
  29. Alumni Manager
  30. Discussion Forum Project
  31. Blood Donation Agent System
  32. Agriculture Assist
  33. BPO solutions
  34. Insurance Broker System
  35. Civil Registry system
  36. Client Server Based Live Meeting
  37. Digital Signature
  38. Data Grid Management Systems
  39. E-buy system
  40. Virtual Classroom


Vb.Net Projects :

  1. Finance Planning Software
  2. Telephone Billing Management System
  3. Text Editor Project
  4. Simple Login Page Code in VB
  5. Library Automation System Project


PHP Projects :

  1.  Chat Room
  2.  Search Engine Application
  3.  Project Management System Application
  4.  Website Project .
  5. CMS – Hotel Content Management System
  6. PHP Mysql Statistics Software .
  7. PHP Academic Project Tracking System
  8. Attendance Tracker System Project in PHP
  9. Students Assignment Feedback System Project
  10. Online Portfolio Management System Project
  11. Hostel Management system
  12. Online examination
  13. Maileservers
  14. School  management system
  15. Clinic  management system
  16. Stock Management System In PHP
  17. Spam Filter Email Program PHP
  19. Social Networking Site Buddy Manager PHP
  21. Video Streaming a Php Mysql Project
  22. Computerized Internal Evaluation Test (CIET) PHP Project
  23. Chat Application
  24. Ad Agency
  25. Ad server
  26. Agent based information push mechanism
  27. Airline reservation system
  28. Bank account Validator.
  29. Book Rental System
  30. Chess Game
  31. Budget approval system
  32. Web based meeting scheduler
  33. Bug tracking system
  34. Resume builder application
  35. Call center management system
  36. Stationary management system
  37. Civil Registry
  38. Complaint management system
  39. Detection of phishing webpages
  40. Online leave management system
  41. Online auctioning shop
  42. Library management system
  43. Ticket reservation system

Android projects:

  1. E Contact Android Project .
  2. Group Messenger Android Project
  3. Java Board Game Design Project .
  4. Age Calculator Android Project .
  5. Block Call Android Project .
  6. SmartFtp Client Android Project .
  7. Sms Remote Control Android Project .
  8. Calculator Android .
  9. Class Time Table Android .
  10. Insurance and Banking Notifier Android Project
  11. Android Application for Driving Directions
  12. PMSE: A Personalized Mobile Search Engine
  13. Social networking on Android.
  14. Intelligent Parking System for Car Parking Guidance and Damage Notification.
  15. Location based profile management and alert system.
  16. Friend’s Location Finder based on Android Smartphone
  17. Earth Quake Monitor
  18. SodoKo Game
  19. Weather Monitor
  20. Product Management System
  21. Questinair Game
  22. Basic English Teacher
  23. Snake Game
  24. Speaking Dictionary
  25. Fall Detection Based on Movement and Smart Phone Technology
  26. Display of a Passing Person and His/Her Message Simultaneously on the Same Screen
  27. GPS Enabled Smartphone with Android Operating System
  28. Android based Emergency Alarm and Healthcare Management System
  29. Changing the Mobile Landscape using Androide Applications
  30. Daily Life Activity Tracking Application for Smarthomes Using Android Smartphone
  31. Planning Body Gesture of Android for Multi-person Human-Robot Interaction.
  32. Android Based Remote Programmable Sequential
  33. TIC TAC TOE Game based on Android
  34. Implementation of 3G Mobile Police System
  35. Indoor WiFi positioning system for Android-based smartphone.
  36. Luxus SMS controller for android based smart phones.
  37. Portable Heart Rate Detector based on Photoplethysmography with Android Programmable Devices.
  38. Metal Detection Robotic Vehicle
  39. Remote Controlled Home Automation Using Android Applications
  40. Remotely Controlled Android Based Electronic Notice Board
  41. Remote Operated Domestic Appliances Control by Using Android Application
  42. Remote Operated AC Power Control with LCD Display Using Android Application.
  43. Remote Operated Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Applications.
  44. Locating Equivalent Servants over P2P Networks Project.



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